Thursday, July 4

Video Blog 2 and a Happy 4th of July!

Hello everyone!  I hope you are enjoying this 4th of July and the freedom we have in America and in Christ! I put together video blog number 2, and I am excited to share more about My Journey of Faith Magazine with you.  It is such a blessing and so special to me:) I also gave you the email for more information about the magazine and I got it WRONG on the video. It is and is brand new. Please email if you'd like to know more about it! Here is the link to the magazine if you would like to check it out.  Also, in the spirit of keeping it real, I hope you enjoy hearing my kids yell "Mom" at me in the background. I was hiding upstairs for some alone time (; Sometime you've gotta do what you've gotta do, right? Until next time!

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