For those of you who have had a strong relationship with your father, this might not be that significant of a realization for you. But I didn't have that. My dad and I stopped having much of a relationship when I was about eleven or twelve years old. Then, when I was sixteen, he passed away. I've always felt a missing piece in my life where a father should go...but I never prayed for God to change that. I never thought to pray for God to give me that unconditional love from a man...I did, however, pray that I would accept it from Him. God began to fill that void with His love and Mercy, answering my prayer and giving me what I asked. It wasn't until that lazy morning that I realized He has given me MORE than I'd asked. He is faithful. He gave me one man, ten years ago, who showed me unconditional love and adoration. Then, six years later, He gave me another little man, who loves me more than anything in this world besides his oldest son. Finally, He blessed me with our baby boy, whose face lights up when I walk into the room. I no longer have a missing piece in my life where a father's unconditional love should is filled up and running over with love. What's even more amazing, is that I get to watch my daughter experience a life with a devoted and loving father that I didn't get the opportunity to experience. Like I said, He is faithful.
Ephesians 3:20-21
I can SO relate!
I can SO relate!
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